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- 2024年7月31日
- 洞察力
- 2024年6月3日
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- 2023年4月6日
Mitie helps you create the ultimate customer experience with spotless surroundings that increase dwell time to maximise spending and loyalty. 机器人可以负责日常的清洁工作, freeing their human counterparts to concentrate on high-traffic areas, 例如繁忙购物中心的电梯呼叫按钮和扶手.

平易近人, qualified and well-presented security colleagues are essential for maintaining safe retail environments and a positive customer experience. Mitie’s guarding personnel are supported by intelligent software that identifies stores most at risk from specific threats at specific times. Our 安全 Operations Centre (SOC) enables remote monitoring experts to alert on-site security officers if they notice suspicious behaviour.

Our innovative retail decarbonisation solutions include solar panels for your roofs and modernising lighting and building management systems to reduce 能源 bills and optimise performance. We can also transition your delivery fleet to electric vehicles and install electric vehicle charging points for your customers.

Sustainably manage wrapping, cardboard, plastics and other retail waste
通过应用Mitie的“资源不浪费”理念, 我们的专家将帮助您减少供应链中的浪费, 仓库和客户网点. Through the reduction of unnecessary packaging and materials at every stage of the retail cycle, you will also see a reduction in associated carbon emissions and costs.
To find out how we have helped other organisations, read the case studies in our handy 什么垃圾? 下面的指南.

Protect Duty legislation marks a milestone for the retail sector; Mitie guarantees compliance through comprehensive security risk assessments, 根据我们的发现提供专家建议.
We also provide expert consultancy and can review and develop site security plans, 无论你是在经营商店, 购物中心, 零售或配送中心.

减少使用Merlin Protect 24/7的事件报告时间
facilities management company in retail, logistics and 购物中心
The Mitie Plan Zero approach is helping our retail customers with decarbonisation. 无论你在零净值的旅途中处于什么位置, our experts will identify simple and practical ways to accelerate progress. 我们的结果不言自明:脱碳,实现了.

案例研究 & 文章
- 案例研究
- 2024年7月31日
- 洞察力
- 2024年6月3日
- 案例研究
- 2023年4月6日
- 新闻
- 2021年11月4日
- 新闻
- 2021年10月4日
- 新闻
- 2021年4月22日
奖 & 认证评估
Physical Risk Management Team of the Year, The Fraud 奖 2024 by 零售 Risk: Awarded to the M&S保安行动中心
Diversity and Inclusion, 2024年零售风险欺诈奖:高度赞扬B&Q店侦探队
年度最佳物理风险管理团队, 2024年零售风险欺诈奖:高度赞扬B&Q店侦探队
零售商 & 警务合作奖,2023零售风险
杰出顾客澳博官方网站计划, 2022 Outstanding 安全 Performance 奖: Awarded to Project Zeal – Mitie, 合作社和诺丁汉郡警察
安全 Team of the Year, 2022 火 and 安全 Matters 奖: Awarded to Mitie / B&Q侦探队
年度最佳安装师, 2022 British 安全 奖: Awarded to Mitie’s upgrade programme for Lloyds Banking Group
BALNI国家景观奖-外部生活墙, 2022 British Association of Landscape Industries: Awarded to Mitie firm Biotecture for enhancing London’s Canary Wharf with living walls
年度最佳洗手间保洁员-外判保洁员队伍, 2022 Loo of the Year 奖: Awarded to Mitie’s 清洁 and Hygiene Services team
年度最佳清洁员, 2021年清洁优秀奖:授予Mitie同事, 奥斯曼Abdi, 西12购物中心
国际企业社会责任卓越奖, 2021 CSR 国际 奖 (Green Organisation): Awarded to Mitie and partner, 白玫瑰购物中心, 利兹
公园标志大奖, 2021 British Parking Association: Awarded to the team at Festival Place Shopping Centre, 贝辛斯托克, 汉普郡
RoSPA荣誉勋章, 2021 Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents: Awarded to the team at Festival Place Shopping Centre, 贝辛斯托克, 汉普郡
最具创新性的商店监控解决方案, 2021年零售知识欺诈奖:授予Mitie和Co-op
最具创新性的实体零售风险管理解决方案, 2021年零售 Knowledge Fraud 奖: Awarded to Data Sharing Agreement – Co-op, M&S, Sainsbury 's和Mitie
优秀保安团队, 2021 Outstanding 安全 Performance 奖: Awarded to Mitie and Sainsbury’s Blitz teams
年度最佳前线团队, 2021年零售, Leisure and Hospitality 奖: Awarded to Mitie’s Soft Services team at Broadway Shopping Centre, 布拉德福德

如果你想了解更多信息, need to talk to someone about an enquiry or want to chat about your service needs, 那你来对地方了.
Please fill in our short form and a member of our team will be in touch.
If you have a supplier enquiry, please visit our dedicated portal on www.mitiesuppliers.com